Hurthle cell carcinoma in thyroid

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Hurthle cell carcinoma in thyroid

Hi I am another new person to this sight. I have just had 2 operations the 5th feb to remove the left thyroid and the 5th march to remove the right as the nodule on my left was cancer. It turns out it is a rare form of thyroid cancer and it is an aggressive one. Wondering if anyone else has heard or has this cancer. I have to have radio-iodine treatment and am hoping that the results of the body scan indicate that this cancer has not spread anywhere else. Needless to say I have gone from "yay thyroid cancer is the best to have because its a better prognosis" to "shit this is an aggressive cancer and do I have it elsewhere. Either way, I am trying to stay positive and only think one day and step at a time as I am in good health (better than I have been in ages)and am surrounded by great people. Looking forward to hearing from anyone. Cheers Christine
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Re: Hurthle cell carcinoma in thyroid

Hi Christine, I am newly diagnosed and have gone through almost exactly the same thing - thyroid is the most treatable so everything will be fine, to yours is a rare more aggressive type of thyroid cancer we have to do lots of tests. I was diagnosed on Thursday last week and yesterday told by the specialist it was more serious. I'd love to talk to you more about the surgery (I'm expecting a complete thyroidectomy and lymph node dissection of everything on the right hand side). If you are happy to talk and share your experiences so far I would love to talk more. Best of luck with your treatment, and I hope the body scan results were good news. D
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