Living with a j pouch

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Living with a j pouch

Any tips, ideas and suggestions for managing daily living with a j pouch after rectal cancer surgery. And ideas of 'normal' progress.
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Re: Living with a j pouch

Hi snoopy I don't have a j pouch, but I do have an illeostomy pouch. I'ts quite a steep learning curve isn't it? There are colonostomy sites which cover many topics, some of which may be useful for you. They may also know of a j pouch site. There is also an ostomy assoc. in Sydney so should be others. Also the ostomy nurse at the hospital where you were treated may know who you can contact. In the meantime good luck & remember you are not alone there are many of us out here.
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Re: Living with a j pouch

Thanks KazCard I have found quite a bit of help and support since finding this site [ and two others ]and it has been great to have personal input from others in similar situations. It has encouraged me considerably and helped me deal with potential problems at my son's wedding yesterday [ pre-planning helped to prevent problems!] Thanks again for your interest and suggestions Snoopy
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