Resentment vent

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Resentment vent


I've got stage 4 bowel cancer mets'd into the liver and a couple of lymph nodes.  Good news, I've had 6 months of aggressive chemo (folfoxiri) and it's responded really well. Had the bowel resection a week and a half ago, handling that okay, awaiting scans and dates for liver resections 1 and 2.


The resentment is for the chemo induced peripheral neuropathy... and for the restrictions I'm feeling on my life.  Where I can live (somewhere close to a hospital that has oncology, because recurrence stats).  New limitations on what I can do - just studied 2 years to be a building designer and interior designer and now it hurts to hold a pencil, or type!  Driving may get taken off the list, which further restricts where I can live, for public transport - and I loathe the restrictions that places.  


My mum also has cancer, and now has cognitive issues, (I'm her carer) and I resent that my siblings seem to think that "mum can come and stay with us any time" is a good solution, they have NO idea about how much care she needs, and because I look outwardly healthy, I must therefore be able to do everything... and those of you who've already had the surgery know that just isn't possible.


I know I have heaps of things to be grateful for - and believe me, I am!  I just needed to vent for a bit to some people who'd actually know what I mean.



Anyone else want to vent?  😀

Super Contributor

Re: Resentment vent

Hi PaulineF,


I hear you. I had a bowel resection followed by 6 months of chemo too (FOLFOX in my case).

Glad to hear that you've responded well to the chemotherapy.

How are you going post surgery? Any difficulties?


Yes, the peripheral neuropathy can be difficult. I had quite a few side effects from the chemo.

The side effects get better over time, but it can take a while.

Let me know if you have questions.




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