
Occasional Contributor


After 2 surgeries for breast cancer to remove the tumour i cleared the margins .... so no node involvement and now just awaiting radiation start date. However a relative that i have formed a close bond with throughout all of this who has also got breast cancer which has metastasized has been sent home from hospital after being told there is nothing more that can be done for her. We received a phone call today to be told she has only got 1 to 2 weeks to go if that.

How does one cope with all of this when you are going through your own health issues at the same time?

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Re: Update

Hi @bravesthuman

so sorry to read about your relative's awful situation. I wish I had an answer for you as to how to cope with your situation and hers at the same time.  There'll be feelings of helplessness for both of you I imagine.  There'll be grief for the bond you guys have formed and will lose as her life goes. There could be a bit of guilt perhaps about your prognosis being better than hers.  The Community are here for you. Gab

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Update

Hi bravesthuman

I’m so sorry about your relatives’ recent prognosis which must have been so very upsetting for you to hear. There are so many challenges and emotions for you to face as you undergo your own cancer treatment and to also have to face the loss of someone close to you must be very distressing.

It’s so important for you to be supported at this time and it’s great that you have reached out to the Online Community.

Another service that Cancer Council NSW offer that may be helpful to you is our Counselling service. Speaking with one of our counsellors who can offer you individualised support may be a valuable addition to other existing supports you have. 

You can access this service by calling the health professionals on the 13 11 20 support line who can also assist you with other cancer information and support that may be beneficial.

 Alternatively, you can contact the Counselling Service directly on 1800 734 398. If the call is not answered immediately, please leave a message and the team will get back to you.

Take care and warm regards




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