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Hello Everyone
Please see below an invitation from Lung Foundation Australia and the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research to a public seminar being held in Sydney on Saturday 26 August:
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This week is National Pain Week across Australia, with a focus on that pain does not discriminate and going through pain can be a lonely process but that it shouldn’t be.
National Pain Week 2017Not everyone with cancer experiences pain. However, some people with ...Read More
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I was diagnosed with Stage 4 oesophageal cancer in March this year. It had metatisised to my liver and lymph nodes. My initial CT was on the 16th March. At this stage I had pain around my liver and some difficulty with swallowing. I had to wait 6 weeks before chemo...Read More
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Thought we'd let the Online Community know about a new telephone support group for people with Metastatic Melanoma (stages 3 & 4 or people on a trial). It's being run in partnership with Cancer Council and Melanoma Patients Australia.
Having a metastatic melan...Read More
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In March I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. I only became aware of this when one weekend I experienced severe pain in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen. Doctor Google told me this was most likely gall stones so on the Monday I trotted off to see my docto...Read More
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I am 67 retired at 65 and diagnosed 18 mths ago with stage 4 bowel cancer metatisised to the liver (inoperable). My initial 6 months were horrific in and out of hospital and ED. Two attempts to insert Porta Cath which in a few months had to be removed and reinser...Read More
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I'm new to this ......After being diagnosed with Acute Leukaemia early last yr it turned our lives around got 3 young kids a hubby and live in Perth. Always back of my mind at dr app will there be bad new etc I'm over feeling like this I want me life back I had bef...Read More
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Hi. My first time here. I was advised to try this site by the Familial Cancer Centre at the Peter Mac in Melbourne. I am 42, the mother of 2 young children and was diagnosed with rectal cancer in Nov 2010. Had my whole rectum removed and an ileostormy bag for 3 mo...Read More
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Hi Can any of you recommend to me some dentists in the inner west that can provide follow - up monitoring and treatment as per RPA dental clinic plan please? I have completed my radiation treatment and is on the road to recovery. My oncologist has said i need to...Read More
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I was 31 years old when diagnosed with bladder cancer, I am now 41 and still have re occurences. I am one of the lucky ones where it hasn't spread anywhere, They call it TCC grade 1 cancer. My last surgery was on the 8th April 2011, I also had 1 installation of mit...Read More