Hi Jenny, Like Mikey says, eat smaller amounts more often. Protein shakes are good. I found that eating carbs was easiest for me. While having chemo I had cravings for chips & gravy and I used to eat baked potato stuffed with whatever I felt like, things like baked beans, cheese and capsicum or pineapple is good. Cook a few potatoes in the microwave or on the stove until theyre not quite cooked through then cover them over and stick them in the fridge, when you feel like it take one out wrap it in foil cut it through and put whatever you like in the middle seal in the foil and then cook in oven for 10 or 15 mins. Some people might say yuck, but it is the thing that got me through and stopped me from losing too much weight, plus lime cordial. Hope that helps. Maybe a dietician maybe able to offer some more suggestions.