Internal Radiation Treatment.


Internal Radiation Treatment.

After 6 months of chemotherapy my husbands Liver tumours continue to grow, the Oncologist has now stopped that treatment and is investigating Internal Radiation Treatment in the hope that this will have some effect. My question is has anybody out there had this treatment, was it effective, and what were the side effects. The Liver Tumours are secondaries from the original bowel cancer. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Sharon.
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Internal Radiation Treatment.

After two tests we finally have some good news. Our wonderful Doctor has perservered and found a way into my husbands Liver and he will go ahead with the S.I.R.T. treatment in two weeks time. We are now praying that the internal radiation will do its job and blast these tumors into obsurity. While we are not looking forward to the possible side effects, we are so looking forward to a possible reduction in the tumor size and a more healthy future. I will keep you informed.
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Internal Radiation Treatment.

Hi Sharon55, Thanks for sharing your good news. I am Raul and I am the new website facilitator. Is there is anything you would like to see more or less of in the site or anything else I can do to improve your experience please do not hesitate to message me. All the best, Raul  
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Re: Internal Radiation Treatment.

Hi Sharon 55 This is an old thread and by now your husband must have had his treatment. How has it gone. Wish I had picked up on the this earlier, as most of my treatment has been internally delivered radiation and I am still here, many years after my supposed use by date. Cheers Sailor O, well for the sailor lad, That he sings in his boat on the bay! Tennyson
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Re: Internal Radiation Treatment.

I had SIRT done 3 months ago as you see from a thread above. We don't think there was any cancer there after surgery, but anyhow. . . . The Radiation really knocked me around and 3 months later I am might be getting over it. I developed Gastric Ulcers as well as a result of the SIRT so have had to manage that as well. The worst part has been the fatigue. For the first two weeks I was quite OK, but then many things became an effort ! I have just had a CT scan and the results are inclusive, I may have to go back on chemo Dunedigger
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Re: Internal Radiation Treatment.

Hi Sharon55, I know this is an old thread, and I may have overlooked it. I have just had liver surgery to remove 11 of the little ( and bigger ) buggers and will be having the same treatment 'just in case'. This is an exciting form of treatment.I am having mine done at St Vincents Sydney in about a months time How did it go for your husband. ? When is the next PET or CAT scan ? Dunedigger
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