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Hi Raech,
How are things going for you? I was diagnosed with a Grade II Glioma (astrocytoma) in May 2015 three months after having my second child. I had surgery (awake craniotomy) to remove it in July 2015. All scans since show no recurrence of tumour and I haven't required any drugs/chemo/radiation at this stage and I've dropped to annual scans. Even though I've come over a huge hurdle, I'm finding the emotional side of things really only kicking in now and I joined this site last night.
If I can be of any support, please let me know.
Melissa partner is 71 and has had lymphoma of the brain he was diagnosed Nov 2016..he has had 7 lots of chemo and 13 lots of has been 4 months since he finished his chemo and the doctors say he is all clear..but he is always energy. .just wants to sleep or watch Tv...has just given up on life..never wants to go anywere..i dont know what to do...i work full time but am finished by lunch im home to give my partner his lunch although if im late he will heat himself some soup.. (he also makes his own breakfast ...toast and a cup of tea im at work by 4 am)
Were things different for you and your partner..