November 2011
Haven't seen anything from John for a while. Does anyone know how he is?
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November 2011
Hi Nic,
Like you, I was told my tumour was highly unlikely to be cancer and I was shocked when I was told it was a very rare cancer. All along my surgeon was quite sure it wasn't cancer and it didn't really enter my mind that it could be. It was so hard to handle and I understand exactly what it's like although each of us feels it differently. One word of advice for the radiation - use whatever cream you are supposed to maybe 4 or more times a day if you can and lots of it. Also use it way outside the areas the radiologists say, maybe an inch or 2 bigger area than the area being treated. Don't ever feel bad about the way you feel. Come on here and write as often as you want/need etc.
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November 2011
You poor thing! What an absolute hell you are going through. All I can suggest is focus on what's best for your mum which is exactly what you are doing. You are an incredibly wonderful daughter. Hang in there and vent here whenever you want.
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September 2011
John, I am so so sorry. I know you don't want to talk to someone over the phone, but I spoke to the cancer help line yesterday and they were surprisingly fantastic. If there's anything at all I can do, just let me know.
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September 2011
Thanks Harker,
Found the drawing you were talking about - great idea. Thanks for your ideas - they're a starting point. Funny how something so simple can be so hard :)
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September 2011
I love scrapbooking and have a strong need to scrapbook my cancer stuff. I've collected photos and bits and pieces that I've collected along the way but am a little stuck. I sit and stare at my collection but can't get started. I also am having trouble with headings and questions to think about. If anyone has any suggestions re anything to do with scrapbooking, please let me know?
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September 2011
Hi Silly and Stacey,
Thanks for your comments. Going back to work was great. Very busy but my brain seemed to kick in ok and I got through a very long day quite well. I was surprised I wasn't that tired by the end of it - maybe living on adrenalin. I really appreciated hearing from both of you and your support. Thanks again.
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September 2011
That's great news John - was really hoping there was something positive on its way for you. Actually, it sounds like a few positives now 🙂
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September 2011
Hi Stace,
I found it handy to jot down questions as I think about them ready for my oncologist. If I sit down and try to think of all the questions in one go, I just can't think of them, so I have a list which I keep in my bag and can jot down questions as they pop into my head. Ask as many questions as you want. My only problem the first time I saw my oncologist was that I was so nervous I forgot to get my list out. Good luck with it all and let us know how you get on.
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