Hi everyone,
Kymg you shouldn't apologise for your first post, we all have those days. That is exactly what this site is for! By writing it on here,we get it out without hurting the ones we love. This is a real roller coaster of a ride, with ups and downs, turns and twists, and if we want to have a little moan now and again, why not!! In this house we are like you in that we like to remain very positive and upbeat about cancer and the operations associated with it, but sometimes you wouldn't know it reading my posts!! We have to vent somewhere and this is a nice supportive place to do it.
One of my hubby's favourite answers to the how are you feeling question is 'strugglin' mate strugglin!' He just likes to see the look on peoples faces when he says that. Most people don't know how to respond. He even does it to the oncology nurses and they start rattling off the questions, nausea? neuropathy? etc etc. I also have one when I notice him looking uncomfortable if people get too serious. I tell them that 'there's nothing bloody wrong with him, he just wants time off work!' or 'suck it up Princess what's wrong with ya?' Another one is 'awww, what's he whinging about now?' People think we are mad, mean or both but we think we're funny. It also deflects their negativity pretty quickly, though I don't think they mean it as that. We just dont have the energy to carry their troubles. There is enough going on within our own family unit!
I keep all our close family and friends up to date with a group email. That way I don't have to inform people of the 'truth' in front of my husband when he is channelling everything into getting better. I am glad you posted this as just like Mrs Elton, I can see how things are from the male perspective a little clearer. The last few weeks I have been really bossy with his friends, demanding they take him for a quick drink down the pub, or a trip to the shed to sharpen the mower blades, then I disappear for a while. As you can imagine it is a real effort for them (not), but it seems to be relieving the boredom for him a bit. It also seems I could be in the running for wife of the year haha, as his mates friends wives are allowing them out for a coldy to help out!
Anyway, a positive attitude will never do anyone any harm, and if it gets us all through this.......
One hurdle at a time is the way to go, your absolutely right about that one, and celebrate every one you jump.
Take care
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