Hi Alana,
My God, does this thing never end for patients or carers?I am responding from a couple of perspectives I think.
I saw my GP last week to have a mental health assessment done in order to see a counsellor as I decided I wasn't coping (nearly 2 years post treatment). My family refuses to talk about my fears and anxieties and even when i told my husband I had been to the Gp and told him why, I had no response. I have learned to live with this and consequently sought out professional help rather than relying on family. part of my reasoning for this seeking of help was that the relationship with my 20 year old has been deteriorating fast. He is quite self-centred at the best of times but I have felt it very keenly since being diagnosed and him not really appearing to notice or care. He won't change so I need help to learn how to deal with it.
My relationship with my husband, while strong , has its moments as he doesn't want to understand that this is a lifelong thing for me. As far as he is concerned, the logic is that it will not return so evrything goes back to what it was before. Unfortunately I don't think logically all the time - the upshot is a lot of unspoken thoughts.Hopefully the counselling will assist me with understanding his perspective as well.
Anyway,if T will talk to you, that may be a way of you both beginning to understand where you are both at and what anxieties and fears you both have. My honesty and tears fell on deaf ears unfortunately but the mere fact that you are asking about the patient's perspective as well indicates that you want to know how to deal with it all. How I admire you for that!
While his return to work will be good, there is always the need to watch out that he is not overdoing it - physically or emotionally, depending on his job. Is he able to ease into it?
I seem to have raved on but I hope the eggshells can be left behind and that both of you are able to talk and listen to each other. Maybe consider some professional assistance - available on medicare through your GP. I wish I had gone earlier.
Take care, all of you,
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