Hi Sammy77,
Thank you for joining the online community and for reaching out for information and support.
I am so sorry to hear that both your parents are fighting stage 4 cancer.
I guess there are no words that can describe what you are going through, but I am sure you need all the help and support you can get.
Please call 131120 and talk to one of our oncologist nurses that can provide relevant information about some of our services that include counselling, and telephone group support for carers.
I would like to share some information I found on the internet about cancer floating in your mum's system.
"Normal cells secrete substances that make them stick together in a group. Cancer cells fail to make these substances, and can “float away” to locations nearby, or through the bloodstream or system of lymph channels to distant regions in the body."
Warm regards, and stay strong
Cancer Council
Online Community
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