July 2023
3 Kudos
You'll hear from clinicians that you stand a fighting chance, and in your heart, you'll doubt. You'll hear from friends, family and well wishing strangers "you got this", and you'll want to believe .. but doubt. The thing is, the absolute thing is - nobody knows, but you are STILL ALIVE. Every day that remains to you is yours to spend, and you get a chance, and you need to take it, to breathe life into the days that remain, not give them away to this insidious fucking disease. Hope. It's all about Hope. If you sustain yours, hang onto the possibility that you may yet survive and thrive ... the days that remain to you will be richer and stronger. The outcome may be something that we have to learn to accept. But frame that acceptance in Hope. I gave four years away to hopelessness, that doubt, that insidious creep. The worry that every cough subsequent to treatment was a recurrence. Then I did that Captain Australia's BIG WALK thing (you can look at www.captainaustralia.online if youre curious). I restored my hope. I healed depression and existential crisis. And more than six YEARS ago now, I was given six MONTHS to live. But still here. That outcome is possible for you too. Don't give up hope. Be strong in your mind. If it feels like self-trickery, WHO CARES, take that optimism anyway. You need to approach your cancer on the basis that it's a Dragon that you are perfectly capable of slaying. It'll be tough, but you can come through, and you might even come through stronger and wiser, armed with hidden treasures found along the way...
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January 2022
It always pays to double check your reports and scans. I had a full body CT scan on October 2021. Got the thumbs up, no new growth. Treatment looking good. In December I broke my right shoulder. An x-ray picked up a 40mm tumour in my shoulder bone. A review of the October scan showed it was there back then, smaller, but no-one saw it. Not the radiologist or my oncologist. These are all private specialists too.
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January 2022
Hi Sass65 absolutely agree Its horrendous but if nothing else has shown me that I can be resilient probably the worst week of my life (thus far Im sure there are going to be more challenges ahead) but I got through it, One thing at a time right? Thankyou for taking the time to reply to me Im sending you all the good vibes for your own experience. I hope its not too bad. xxx
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January 2022
So there was a royally bad cock up with my specialist referral that I discovered today. I was referred as category 3 (seen within a year) when it should have been category 1 (seen within 30 days). I should have seen a renal specialist a month ago about a most likely cancerous tumour. So I went to urgent care and they sent off a new referral for within 7 days, but I'd like to make a complaint about it because its not acceptable. My question is, who am I complaining about? My doctor, the central referral, or the hospital that received the referral? Which is responsible for deciding the category?
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November 2021
Linda I hope all is well with you my friend.. I couldn't agree more about our time is in God's hands!!! Even before having cancer I have always appreciated every day I wake up. I'm a firm believer that no matter how this turns out that my family will remember that the time we are going through will make us stronger and closer to God. I call that a win.. Wegotthis
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November 2021
Marking one's chair. Yes, I can certainly relate to that one. I noticed many years ago, that the same thing happens on buses and trains, especially on train carriages. Everyone takes the exact same train every day, and sits in the exact same carriage, on the exact same chair, me included. It got to the stage where we even started to know each other, despite never having been formally introduced. Head nods became common, and even a few 'how ya doin' buddy' comments started to become common, as we all sat down. On occasions, I saw someone else sitting in my chair, and was close to saying 'hey, that's my chair, buddy,' but I didn't, of course. But let' face it, how dare someone else take the seat I'd been sitting in for years! 'It's my chair! Mine! Move, Goddamitt!' Seriously, the nerve of some people. Colin
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October 2021
2 Kudos
Sass ....Sorry to hear about your health problems. The waiting sucks. I found myself wishing weekend's would hurry up and be done. I'm still waiting to find out exactly what I have and what treatments I need. I have non Hopkins but there are a bunch of sub types . They are doing a FISH test. So I'm still waiting. My advice is if you can handle it do a lot of research. But not think that you have cancer. Think what if I have cancer. I did so much research that when the doctor told me what I have i had no questions for her. She was surprised on well informed I was. I have cancer. Oh well.. There is nothing I can do about it. But we sure have a say on how we react to the news. I refuse to let it steal a moment of joy. I don't feel like I have cancer. I don't act like I have it. I done even talk about it unless I have to miss work. If you are having a hard time with this find something to distance you. Yesterday I played games with is something I never do. Just a FYI. My cousin had 12 miscarriages. She's 45 and her husband is now 50. They are a few months away from having a daughter . NEVER get up HOPE. Even if I was dieing I would enjoy every day. Stay strong and keep us updated please. Your journey just may help someone
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