My husband has had Melanoma for a year and we have have been on a huge learning and emotional curve of ups and downs. My husband has 1 tumour in his lung (the Largest) one in his brain one on his adrenal gland.The last two weeks have been hell. he had neuro surgery on one day then 8 days later he is having Bowel surgery and at the moment he is still in intensive care recovering. Since the surgery the other nioght we only knew of the 3 previously mentioned tumors. We now know that he must have lots more that the scans do not show. He had 2 in his bowel causing problems so they were removed and there are another 3 that they just left there. Needless to say his cancer is terminal. We just do not know how long he may have left. It is really scarey not knowing if he will come out of hospital or if he has a long time left.Of course i am hoping for a long time as we have a little 13 month old son. I wish i knew all of the answers. I wish i could keep him forever not just in my heart.
Occasional Contributor
Hi Smmee. How are things going with you and your husband.A lot has been happening on this site lately and I seemed to miss your post. This dreadful disease takes so much away from us all. My husband has bowel cancer that spread to his liver and peritoneum and although they say it is terminal he is quite well at the moment and we are trying to fit as much living into this year and however long we have.We have been together for 11 years and got married 8 weeks ago.They only "good" thing to come out of this disease is you realise what is really important in your life and how good friends and loving family are all that matters. I understand that you would want to know answers to all your questions as I wonder that all the time but as Mrs Elton put in her blog about the Chrystal Ball do we really want to know. I'm not so sure. We can't hide our heads in the sand but just have to deal with the realities as they happen. Please take care of yourself, your husband and your little boy and keep us updated on this site as there are many people here going through the same kinds of thing. Be kind to yourself Gail xx
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hey i just read ur blog.. i feel exactly the same way. Not knowing things is really horrible. I try to be posative as much as possible, but there are times when i break down completly.. stay strong!
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