Stem cell transplant


Stem cell transplant



Been a while since I last post here. My husband was terminal in April but he was lucky to have met another doctor and got an second opinion and introduce to immume therapy treatment and radiation. Cancer is at bay but not long term solution. They now advise he should do a stem cell transplant using other policies blood/cell. He is scared. He is wondering if anyone out there done it before. He wants to ask ppl who has experience it some questions. Anyone able to help?

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Re: Stem cell transplant

Hi @Jenniferwang,


I am glad to hear your husband is doing better at the moment!


We have an information resource page on Stem Cell Transplants for people with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, available here. Treat that as a good starting point.


Has anyone else here had experience with stem cell transplants in any form that could field a few questions from @Jenniferwang and her husband? Smiley Happy

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Re: Stem cell transplant

Thank you for this

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