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Hi Colin, it’s 2am and I can’t sleep! Hope you’ve got your pain under control now and it doesn’t mess you up too much. Spinach and ricotta rolls sound wonderful! You did make me laugh with that!! I’m praying for you every day🙏 Hi to you too Steve. Which part of California are you in? Hope you’re doing ok also. Xx Linda
Hi Linda, doing ok, I think. Symptoms increasing. Dealing with multiple Drs. can be a challenge while they play golf on 3 day weekend stints. I also realize they must have incredibly stressful schedules, emotionally and physically. I don't know. Doing everything I can to slow this thing down and patiently waiting for some real treatment to begin. At this point I'm electing for hormonal treatment to shrink tumors in the prostate followed by 25 straight days of radiation therapy. With weekends off of course. Researching and making adjustments to diet seems to help, but can only do so much. It just seems the actions needed to kill these tumors is taking way too long. "C'mon docs, let get started." seems to be the phrase that enters my mind the most. At first I was told I'm 'past' the surgical option by the urologist. Then after talking with oncologist, surgery is still an option. With more delay time waiting for MRI's and referrals, appointments etc. So the hormone shot seems to be the quickest way to slow this crap down. I reside just north of the capitol of California. The concern for Colin is constant. His strenght must be waning. Mentally and physically, a very exhausting stage. Be well. Steve.
G'day , Steve, hi all. Thanks for your words, Steve, and you're right. It is a constant battle to stay positive, but I am managing in that respect. I think it's because I've got some goals to complete before I go - leaving a legacy with my book, for starters. It's nearly there, just a few touch-ups and final edits. If you guy are interested, let me know and I'll email you a copy over the next few weeks. We'll work out a way to exchange email addresses in private, no problems, and if nothing else, it should give you a laugh.
Just as an update for you, I had an appointment with my pain specialist this morning. I had to get my wife to drive me there because I was in too much pain and really dizzy. She changed my meds completely, after concluding that the others simply weren't cutting it. They were working, but not enough, because the pancreatic component of the cancer has triggered a whole heap of nerves in my back and my abdominal area. But fortunately, the new one, just a tiny pill, kicked in immediately and I've just spent the entire day feeling pretty good. Medication sure does have its place, and it's great when you find one that works.
Take care all, and have a great night. I just discovered some oldies but goldies on Spotify 🙂
Hi dear friend. That’s such good news that your pain is under control Colin. Onward ever onward with your book!! Please tell your wife I think of her too in her caring role❤️ My husband was absolutely wonderful when I was sick. He was my solid rock💕. There is some way that we can email on this site so I’ll give it a go. Enjoy your movie marathon!! Linda
So you go on to your profile and click on the envelope at the top and then I just typed in your user name. So just check it out when you want Colin and see if my email came through 👍
Hey Steve. Hope you get some good news about your treatment soon. So bad that you have to wait so long as it’s always on your mind. I guess you’re near Sacramento then. When I was a lot younger my husband and I flew to LA and then traveled down to Mexico. Wonderful memories! Hope this day is good for you🙏 Linda
I want your book! Hell, I'll even buy it from ya!
G'day Steve, hi Linda. I got your PM's, thanks for that. I'm just about to start my final edit, which is about the twentieth final edit I've done so far. Writing is so interesting. You can read through a passage a hundred times, and then suddenly spot a typo.
I do really appreciate your interest in this thing and I'd be honoured to send you a copy each. I'll just do this final check and then I'll send it to you, so give me a few days please.
Oh and it's free, of course. The publishing world is interesting at the moment, and the big players all seem to have a similar stance on content, that being that they won't entertain any material that could be seen as controversial, aka politically incorrect. To which I think, hmmm, they are definitely not going to be interested in this material.
Other than that, I've got a procedure tomorrow morning to put in a catheter to drain the fluid from around my right lung, after which it's business as usual, I suppose.
Take care, guys. talk again soon.
Hi Colin, hope you’re more comfortable after your lung procedure. Another day, another chance to be with your family, write letters or your book, whatever you can manage! Hi Steve, any updates on your treatment plan? 💕 Linda
Hey Colin, I proof read you latest errors spotted! The ole cath' in the lung hopefully will make you more comfortable. The fight continues in the battle, what round is it? Who knows, easy to lose track of. Hey Linda, you have fought your own battles and are winning many rounds. It's obvious your mission in this world is not done. Many victims on this site surely appreciate your heartfelt contributions. Bless you. As for me, I continue to research and modify my diet to help my body deal with this crap. Hibiscus tea, licorice root,red grapes, turmeric, on and on the list goes. It is actually helping qite a bit. My latest self treatment will be spearmint oil in the navel. Ya'll laughing I can tell. The sensible reason being, the navel is the first item formed as life is created. And so every atery, blood vessel etc. pass through, under, over, around...who knows, it's worth a try to see if the ole belly button is a pathway for healing. Signing off for now, Stay Strong....Steve.