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I'm 18. My girlfriend of 6 months, the person I thought I was going to end up marrying broke up with me because of the distance (she was at college, I'm doing a remote semester). That was 13 days later, and she's already with someone else. I was diagnosed with a cancerous primary tumor in the left chamber of my heart. I'm in love with that girl. I don't have a lot of time left. Doctors estimate 7 months. Do I call her, do I tell her that I want to spend whatever time I have left with her? I can't imagine my life without her.
I'm sorry to hear about your cancer and also breaking up with your gf.
A double loss like this always makes everything so much harder.
How long ago were you diagnosed with cancer?
What have the doctors told you about what your treatment options are?
What stage is the cancer?
I think giving your x-gf a call and let her know what has happened and what your situation is would be a good idea. But you might want to talk to her about how she feels about the situation. It might not be how you think it might be.
Do have family to spend your time with?
Tears are just falling so quickly that I can't hold on. If it makes you happy it can't be bad.
I’m so sorry to hear your sick! I was wondering, do you have a close friend or friend that speaks to her? Maybe they could talk to her, but if you feel strongly enough to call her. I say do it!!! As long as you believe she will be a positive light to you and your treatment...God Bless
By all means let her know. I think she'd like to be told. But you're dealing with two losses here, and I don't believe she will come back to you. See a psychologist or get some kind of help to deal with this. Is it possible for you to have a heart transplant?