I thought I would comment here after reading a few of the comments.
Although my husband does, I've never had cancer but I do know somehwat how you feel. Nearly 4 years ago, I had a motorcycle accident in which I almost died. As a result, I'm now left with a disability in my left arm (am surprised it's still there to be honest).
In the months that followed, many friends stopped calling, many just fell off the face of the planet (or that's what it felt like to me) and many people just told me to get on with things when I became reclusive due to panic attacks. Colleagues became impatient due to my newly acquired concentration issue and the crippling headaches I'd get almost every day, thinking I was putting it on.
Now while I've not had cancer, I've been through a similar trauma. I've had to face my own mortality which I think is one of the scariest things anyone will ever do. Unless you've been forced to do it, you'll never know how scary it really is.
And how truly alone you feel when you do.
I think when you have an 'epiphany' of sorts, you begin to realise how short, how amazing, how beautiful life really is and that the arrogance, egos, material possessions, status etc holds no real meaning. Especially in your new world. None of these had a lot of importance to me beforehand but after my accident, it became even more apparent how different I felt to other people.
I've come to realise that those who haven't had this epiphany will never truly understand how we feel but that's not their fault. People don't want to be confronted by their own mortality and we, the ill and disabled, remind all around us that we really are fragile and life can be gone in an instant.
So you see, we aren't alone. There are people everywhere, not just cancer survivors, who have gone through similar situations, felt the same emotions and have survived their own battles.
And because I have an understanding, it really saddens me now that my husband has to go through the same pain, frustration and anger. I see how people react, noticing how some friends have disappeared. I hope that with my experiences, I can support him even more now that he's facing his own mortality.