Well, that was interesting...


Well, that was interesting...


Hi all, I hope you are all feeling well. The last few weeks have been interesting. Really bad shoulder pain, I think I mentioned it in another post, a shoulder nerve being enacted because of an infected chemo port. Well, after the initial dramas of trying to find someone in the medical field to help me, my oncologist took one look at the port on Monday just gone and said 'get ready you're going to hospital'.


A surgeon later removed my infected port and replaced it with another on the other side. And whatever else happened while I was under, finally allowed some massive blood clots that had formed around the port,  to disappear. 


Here' my issue, and I hope you don't mind if I vent a little bit.


During my recent hospital stay, I was told that not only was the original chemo port the cause of blood clotting and severe pain, it was also the cause of the Arrhythmia attacks I've been having that started at the exact same time. Evidently, the tube that is pushed through the vein had been placed way too close to my heart.


Anyway, on a positive note - if we don't include saying that after finally getting home after three days in hospital, at dinner time I took an antibiotic tablet the hospital had provided to me, and had in immediate allergic reaction to it. My body from the chest up went bright red and I started to itch badly. It died down fairly quickly, fortunately. 


So what was I saying? Oh yeah. On a positive.


Tomorrow, my friends, is another day  😎



Regular Contributor

Re: Well, that was interesting...

Oh gosh JD, that’s terrible about the port 😥. Honestly we put out lives in the hands of the medical people. Most times it’s good but sometimes goes horribly wrong. And the antibiotics 🤦🏻‍♀️  Hope you’re feeling better today 💕 Linda G 

Frequent Contributor

Re: Well, that was interesting...



Thanks for post...Really sorry to hear about you having to go through this. 

Like you I also have a port. Its a weird feeling. 

Sometimes I forget it's there but there are times where it bugs me. This morning I can definitely feel it  Its really annoying. I want to rip it out 

We have 2 dogs.  One is over 80 pounds and thinks he's a lap dog. The other one is 65 pounds and also thinks she's a lap dog. They always seem to find a way to crush my port .

There is also a lump on my neck where I can feel the tube in my vain..

Crazy....I'm starting to wonder if I  will ever feel the same after treatment. The area under my armpit where they removed the cancer still feels like I have a few lumps but I don't. I know it's just in my mind...

Again thanks for sharing your experience. 

I guess I'll pay more attention to my .port 

Hope you are having a great day 

0 Kudos

Re: Well, that was interesting...

Thanks, Linda, it's all part of the journey, I suppose 🙄

0 Kudos

Re: Well, that was interesting...

Thanks, WeGotThis, those dogs sound fantastic. And it's interesting you say that they like jumping on you and being lapdogs. My cat has changed of late. She has always been a bit standoffish, but lately she's been sitting quite close to me and doing lots of head bumps. I think animals know when one of their pack isn't well.



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Regular Contributor

Re: Well, that was interesting...

How are you doing JD? Haven’t seen any posts from you lately. Hope you’re still fighting the fight 💕🙏 Linda G

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Re: Well, that was interesting...

Hello Linda, I'm so sorry for not having posted earlier. And yes, I'm fine, thank you very much for asking. I guess I've been soul-searching a bit lately. I'm going through a bit of a phase, I think. I've been trying to work out people, generally, including some of my immediate family members. Some things just aren't making any sense.


And I can't believe I forgot to let everyone know, I had an endoscopy a week and a half ago that showed a previously 4.6cm x 4cm tumour having now been reduced to just 2cm x 2cm. Unfortunately, though, the remainder is what is largely wrapped around the main artery. I suspected this was going to be the case.


But never mind, I'll keep stabbing away at this thing. If nothing else, at least it's on the decline 🙂


I hope you're well too, Linda, and everyone else, as well. I'll keep you posted.





Regular Contributor

Re: Well, that was interesting...

Thats good news that the tumour is shrinking Colin. Let’s hope it continues to diminish. Looks like we all on this forum have another Christmas with family so I’m grateful for that! I’ve overcome cancer and a heart attack in the last 10 months so I’m just glad  to still  be  here with my family.  Hope you can enjoy this Christmas Day with your loved ones. 💕🙏 Linda G 

Frequent Contributor

Re: Well, that was interesting...



Glad to hear that things are improving for you. Any kind of shrinkage is good 👍 

People can be strange at times. Especially family. 

I guess you could say I have a decent amount of family and friends. But honestly I only care about 12 people's opinions about me.

I have a wife, 4 kids and 4 grandchildren. Lol..

So that means my Aunt Sandy and 2 niece are the only ones that I would spend any energy on....

I hope you have a great Christmas 

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