Hey Samex :)
Well done on taking the leap on getting better 🙂 It's a great step you've taken and I'm proud!
The GP is right about the fuzziness bit, especially if you've not taken them before. Depends on the anti-d's you're taking, how much sleep you're not getting, how your brain processes it etc. As for tired, depression makes you tired. It's an exhausting illness to have but once the meds do kick in, you should be fine. Give it a few weeks and you'll probably start to feel a difference :)
I remember my first time around, I tried "Effexor" which didn't agree with me much, made me feel nauseous and my jaw kept locking up for some reason. Then Aropax which just made me feel more mentally ill. Finally, onto Prozac which has worked well. Have had a couple of side effects with Prozac but nothing that my GP hasn't been able to iron out. So, just remember, let your GP know of any side effects so they can adjust dosage, try another type, etc. Sometimes a little trial and error is needed to get it right for you - after all, we're all different :)
The weight 'gain' isn't as bad as you think. Typically, they say a 2-4kg weight gain is about normal and again, depends on the meds you are taking 🙂 And as you said, once your sleep patterns even out, you feel better about things, it shouldn't be an issue.
It sounds like you have a fabulous GP so I think you will do just fine. Having a GP who monitors you and gives a crap makes a big difference :)
Oh and the placebo effect can be awesome!
Take care Sammy and keep us updated!
Jo xxx