Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Hey dunedigger I have done a couple of endurance rides, was quite a few years ago and i no longer ride. I did enjoy doing them though. Julie
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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Glad to hear from you Dunedigger. Sorry to hear about the fatigue but hopefully all will be well. Go for it!! Samex
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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

An update . . . Fatigue is still an issue even after 4 1/2 months but I think I may be coming out the other end. However I have had a rising CEA Last Monday I had a CT which showed a small number of tiny tumors in my lungs !. Professor Morris was not worried, he will ablate them if they can't be controlled. We think they grew while I was not having avastin in the period leading up to the liver surgery. However I have started on a low dose of oral 5FU and after 3 weeks my CEA dropped 10% down to 22. So it is all good news. My liver looks tumor free after the surgery and radiation. I have a new luxury camper for my 4WD and have been spending time out in the bush, my love is high country rain-forests on the eastern escarpment of NSW, good therapy ! I remain committed that this 'disease' will not get me even though I will have to live with it for the rest of my life. Dunedigger
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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Good to hear from you Dunedigger. Glad that the 5FU is havinig an effect. Get out there in the bush and that can only help everything else. Keep us posted as you are one of the many inspirations for me on this site. Next CEA's etc for me are due in March but so far all is good. Samex
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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Dunedigger wow you have done wonderfully - I read your story from the start, this morning when I was feeling a little down - your story has lifted me and given me hope. I was diagnosed with aggressive bowel cancer in August 2009,had 7 cm removed and both ovaries, the liver has 12 tumors which is being treated with Avastin and chemo-Xeloda. I have looked into Radio ablation therapy (head bit stuffed at moment)think that's what it is called -and oncologist said too risky as could burn the outside of the liver. I have radically changed my diet - hopefully not too late - the produce closer to the ground and preferably organic is the way to go. You mentioned Grace Gawler - presumably Ian's wife - my Dad and sister and I went on one of their retreats about 23 years ago when Dad had Prostate cancer. I thought it was beneficial - Dad the ultimate sceptic did not!I am now reading The Dragons Blessing - very inspirational and the fact most of it is in Victoria, where I have lived all my life - I know the places he writes about.Little did I know 23 years ago that I too would be drawing on the strength of Ian Gawler.Once again thankyou for sharing your journey and I hope you live a very happy and long life.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

this is wonderful story ! I will lean from you as I just had removed ractal cancer on 14th dec 09 and waitting for chemo this month.
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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Hi Richard61, Welcome! I am a 2 year survivor of bowel cancer - finished 6 months of chemo in April 2008 and I also have been inspired by Dune diggers story. Good luck with the chemo. Make sure that you take it easy as the treatment progresses. Ask lots of questions. Regards, Samex
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Samex; Thank you for your noice comment ! I am really worries about my life as I have 3 young kids ( 13,11,3 years),I came from Shanghai 20 years ago.MY wife also from Shanghai would not speaking English well. I were told there are two program to do chemo (folfox4 and Xelos ). In Shanghai they do XELOS once each three weeks for 6 month after 3-4 weeks surgery.But Concord Hosplital have to wait 6 to 7 weeks. I do not which program it to be used for me. I did lots of reaserch what they said XELOS much easy than FOLFOX4 to go through.So I am really scare if I would go through this 6 months. Samex, What you think is that easy to go through this 6 month ? Richard
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

ALso I will see oncology on 19th Jan and talk about chemo for me. I defenitly have to go through from my side, but my body may yes or no. as i have got diabets problems.diabet is a problem for chemo ? So many things to be worried ? thank you again samex ! Richard
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Re: Bowel Cancer My Story of Success so Far

Hi Everyone, Firstly, thanks to everyone for your support both to myself but to other readers. The posting on raises interesting issues. I feel that most people live with the fear for the rest of their life. I now feel that I will have to live with cancer for life, taking drugs that as a result of I am unable to do a quarter of the things I used to be able to do. In the next few years I will have to decide if my past active life style is a thing of the past and I will have to be content with living a sedentary life style. I can dream of picking up where I left of living the dream, but next month . . . . . . I will be a 2 year survivor. Continue the dream. . . . that gives you a reason to beat this confounding disease Dunedigger
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