Hi LG,
I am with June. Vitamin C and lots of it. What your body does not need, it will automatically eliminate. Your cold should be gone by now, but I take Echinacea, Garlic, Zinc and C, B complex and a women's multi vitamin every day. I have just finished 6 months of weekly chemo. I catch the train and am in contact with small children. I am yet to get a cold. I noticed that lots of Vitamin C seemed to help last time when I did Chemo and Radiation. I also had Zinc and magnesium supplements.
Always check with your doctor before Taking Vitamins, just in case.
For example, I know that with some types of chemo, you can't have grapefruit as it interacts badly.
Good luck with the surgery. I hope it all goes well and you come out the other end with just a scar.
May Angels be with you.
Khan the cat.