Dear Willow,
hope you are feeling better. I find the worst time of the day is nighttime. It seems everything becomes too much, the worry, the fright, the fear. I cried when I read your blog. I really feel for you. You have a lot to deal with. Please don't feel like you are alone. I know there are helplines you can call, but I'm not sure what they are, perhaps the cancer council would know. I know there are community services that can give you a break from your Dad and it just might be worthwhile, for a few hours, to let someone take over and it may be beneficial for him. You are welcome to send me an email, a private message, etc, when you feel that things are becoming too much or even if you just want to talk. Having cancer is a battle on it's own, having to deal with other issues at the same time would be overwhelming.
take care
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