The kidney might definitely be the cause of your tiredness. After I had the kidney removed, I was pretty well straight onto the chemo, which causes fatigue and tiredness, so, no it hasn't stopped. If the results of the biopsy come back as negative, they will still do periodic scans to make sure there's been no more growth. Just because its benign at one time, doesn't necessarily mean it will stay that way. Tell other people only if you want to. Sometimes though, others may be able to offer support in ways your hubby can't help. And sometimes its good to talk to someone who isn't so close to you because you can talk to them more easily without breaking down & crying. The texture of chocolate remains the same, it's just the taste that was altered. Even though it doesn't taste as good, I still indulge sometimes because it's still nice enough. 😉 I'm the same as you with coffee, it's never kept me awake. I used to love drinking plain water, but because I have so much of it, I now add a small amount of diet cordial, or sometimes I add slices of lemon, orange or cucumber, just for a fresh taste. Warm water is a must for me, besides it's more easily digested. That's a hell of a round trip for a medical appt, so yeah, thank heaven for telehealth. (I love the Victorian countryside, before covid, we used to do alot of trips to Adelaide & Canberra to visit family.) Please let me know the results of your biopsy. My fingers are crossed for you. Cheers
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