Hi AprilMay, So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. It's never pleasant or easy, & it's normal to be scared. Do you know what's going to happen next with your treatment? Surgery or chemo/radiation? I suppose it's a bit early yet. It is a very big shock to hear you actually have cancer, isn't it? One minute you're cruising along with life, & the next minute your world comes crashing down around you. It's scary not knowing what's going to happen, whether or not you're going to live through it or die. But one thing to remember is that death is a natural part of the big cycle. It comes to all of us - for some of us, it comes too soon. Whenever I start thinking about my impending death, I remember this. It helps me put things into perspective. I think back on my life & realise that I'm happy with what I've done, what I've achieved; & while I'd absolutely love to keep on living, & will do everything in my power to stay alive, I'm ok with dying. I'm sorry for my long ramble. Do you have any immediate family that can give you support? Please tell us about your self, if you want to. Budgie
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