Hi WIllow,
I know exactly how you are feeling - set adrift?
My husband's initial reaction was "well thank god that's over. Now we can all stop obsessing." He stopped - I didn't. (20 months down the track).
I didn't seek any help initially and just "got on with it". We had a short holiday, I tried to get my strength back, went back to work and consequently cried in the shower every night from the pain and continuing fatigue. I had no-one to talk to except a couple of friends and my parents but I didn't want to bug them all the time with my woes.
I cannot agree more strongly with Sailor that you should seek help ASAP in some form or another, for no other reason than to assure yourself that you are not crazy and to be able to cry with someone who gets it.
I am still struggling with the new normal - haven't quite figured it out yet but I am coming closer I think. The fatigue does lesson and again I agree with Sailor with the idea of managing rather than coping and some days I manage better than others.
I was lucky that the teachers with whom I work were wonderfully compassionate and my Principal actually sent me home one day for 2 days when she could see that I wasn't dealing with school at that time. These times became less frequent as time went on but there are still times when I just want to shout at the world "STOP".
I am currently rading Petrea King's "Quest for Life" book and have found it to be quite consoling in places, and I think it is helpling me to find the new "normal".
Christmas will become fun again and remember that if all else fails there is always someone hee to listen but don't be hesitant (as I was) to ask for some immediate help. There are plenty of people out there who actually do understand the disconnectedness that you are experiencing.
Sorry if this was a little long winded, but your pleas struck a chord with me as I felt exactly the same.
Take lots of care and book in for a pedicure!!
S xx
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