Hi Linda, Dad has said he’s keen to start the radiation, we speak to his oncologist Wednesday for our plan. He’s told my mum he’s not scared to die, but I’m scared for him to die, I will never be ready for him to go 😭 my problem is I’m over thinking everything, I’m watching him and if he looks deep in thought I’m scared what he’s thinking of, if he wants dinner a little later like tonight, I’m thinking he’s not feeling good, I’m getting myself in quite a state, this is just all such a shock I don’t know how to cope. Tomorrow we have an appointment with dads GP, he said apparently there’s a lot he can do for dad, my mother being a very negative and with respect not a nice person a lot of the time said….well I can’t imagine what!!!!!!!!!!! I guess he might mean pain relief when the time comes, I will find out tomorrow . I’m finding this so confronting and honestly am not coping very well a lot of the time, I try to seem positive in front of dad but cry often when I’m alone. I don’t know how to cope with any of this, I don’t know how to cope with my mum once dad goes, she’s a very nasty person most of the time I know that sounds bad coming from me but she’s been this way most of my life. Dad says it himself, she can be quite cruel. I will never leave my dad but will struggle with mum. I’m really struggling at the moment, I just want it all to go away, but it won’t! Thank you for your messages, I know you understand. 🙏💙
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