Hi Kym,
Wow, six kids, you and your wife deserve a medal (or 6!!). I am glad to read that you are not in pain and 'generally' are doing well!
I think we can both be of some help to each other, because it sure is helpful to me to hear the 'male' perspective.
As far as ' melting down' is concerned, I find this site is very cathartic for me (hope that's spelt correctly!), I have used the blogs as my personal journal, dating from when we first discovered the tumour, to this last set of results.
Admittedly, I didn't know about this site at the beginning of all this, I have only discovered it in the last few weeks, so have had to write a number of blogs to 'catch up' to real time.
When I write these blogs, I am doing it to 'cleanse' myself of the fear,frustration,hurt,anxiety, guilt etc etc. If no-one else reads them or responds to them, I have already gained just by 'off-loading' the stuff. If someone reads it and responds, then that is a bonus.
I don't feel that I am burdening anyone by doing it this way. I can be honest and know that people who may read it will have an understanding because even though the journey is different, the emotions needing to be dealt with are the same for all of us.
Taking each stage as it comes seems to be the option I lean towards.
Thinking too far ahead is frightening, but for me, I find I have to 'visit' it every now and again, for just a short while, and then I retreat to where I feel safe and supported.
We seem to find the strength to cope with what is thrown at us, sometimes it is enough strength to throw it back where it came from and sometimes it is just enough to 'dodge' things for a while.
I feel the more people on our side to help 'throw' the better, or maybe they can act as a shield. Not sure if this analogy is working for you or not but I hope you get my gist.
We can't do it all on our own and we don't have to do it all on our own. If people are aware of the reality of the situation, they can make the decision to help or to back away. For those who offer to help, be it, emotional or practical support it is one more person on your team. Those who back away probably aren't worth thinking about.
Accepting support from others is not a sign of weakness or that you are giving up, I see it as an opportunity to better 'equip' yourself and therefore make you stronger.
For me, taking each stage as it comes seems to allow me to 'cope'.
My mum and dad gave me a little plaque a number of years ago, it is hanging on the wall in my kitchen so I am reminded of it regularly!! It reads as follows:- (the bit in brackets I have added!)
Time is eternity (specially when you are waiting on results!)
Remember yesterday
Dream of tomorrow
But live today.
Would be interested to hear yours and others thoughts.
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