December 2020
Thanks very much for your message and support , it’s very much appreciated 🤗🤗
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December 2020
1 Kudo
Morning @Darlene2020 and thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.
Can I ask what you part of the site you found difficult to use? This helps me understand what people want or need.
We do know that a lot of people use the site, but not everyone feels comfortable sharing their stories. Which is why we have the site completely open, many prefer to read rather than posting.
I am in the process of building up the information and support available on the site and change things about, so I'd definitely love to know your thoughts good or bad. Feel free to reach out to me via email if you prefer -
Cancer Council Online Community Manager
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November 2020
1 Kudo
OK! I'm very new to these discussion groups though not to cancer. As a nurse, I attended to several patients in a hospital environ and cared for my own mother until her passing from cancer not quite 3 yrs ago. It was very emotional watching her fade. Now I find myself in a situation that makes me feel like I'm being torn in several directions. I am in Vic and my husband is in WA He was coming home 3 times a year. 4 weeks ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with mets. I can and have got a G2G pass to go to WA but have to isolate for 2 weeks before I see him. Now he wants me not to come. He is really angry at me, charmer to everyone else. As you can see, several directions. My 2 younger sisters are insisting I should go over to him. Our little farm cannot be left untended because of our animals. He had his first 3hr chemo yesterday. Very rapid decline in the last 4 weeks. He cannot breathe without oxygen. I am so fearful that he will go before I get a chance to see him. I'm not coping very well because of Covid laws I'm stuck. I would go to him if there was a way without having fight for a way. I know I'm not the only one in this type of situation. It is super hard trying to deal with my husbands heath and Covid out there ( like the great wall of China blocking the way for many). At this stage its just taking one day at a time.
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November 2020
2 Kudos
Something else that people may like to consider, are our Telephone Support Groups.
These are run by our team here at Cancer Council and available to Australians affected by cancer. We do have a group, for those that have lost a loved one to cancer. If you are in Australia and have recently experienced the loss of a loved one to cancer, please do call 13 11 20 or you might prefer to call the team directly on 1300 755 632.
Cancer Council Online Community
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November 2020
1 Kudo
The podcast series, The Thing About Advanced Cancer, is produced by Cancer Council and tackles the big questions about advanced cancer.
This series is hosted by Australian broadcaster, Julie McCrossin.
Who is this series for?
This series for anyone that is living long term with an advanced cancer, you may be facing end of life or you could be caring for someone that has advanced cancer. Julie McCrossin is joined by experts to help answer questions you may have had about advanced cancer, as well as to provide information and insight into how to better navigate this time.
Episode list
The full list of podcasts in this series, are listed below:
What does advanced cancer mean?
Caring for someone with advanced cancer
Treatment options for advanced cancer
Living well with advanced cancer
The role of hope and purpose in advanced cancer
Managing breathlessness when cancer is advanced
Avoiding delirium when cancer is advanced
Managing pain when cancer is advanced
Caring for someone in their last months
Living with dying
Self-care for Carers - new episode
Managing relationships as the Carer - new episode
End-of-life care at home - new episode
Life after loss - new episode
Coping with grief - new episode
Find out more about our podcasts here.
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November 2020
Hi @MyheroCoolSpy,
Thanks for your interest!
This event has already happened, but you can watch the recording here on Facebook.
I highly recommend giving it a watch, very informative for any affected by cancer ❤️
Cancer Council Online Community Manager
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November 2020
Look Good Feel Better, is a community-based service program that is run by the Cancer Patients Foundation and supported by Cancer Council Western Australia.
The program aims to improve the well-being and self-image of people diagnosed with cancer.
Using a relaxed, workshop setting, trained volunteers work with clients, teaching them how to manage the appearance related side-effects that can be caused by cancer treatment.
Current planned workshops and locations are as follows:
26/10/20: Bunbury
1/12/20: Joondalup
2/12/20: Murdoch
5/12/20: Shenton Park
7/12/20: Mandurah
Registration are made by contacting Look Good Feel Better on 1800 650 960.
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- Tags:
- WA
November 2020
Hi Kate, i think it is not possible for me to join the telephone support groups bec I am from the Philippines and also we do not have a home landline phone. Thanks anyway, my💕
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November 2020
2 Kudos
Hi Allana, I'm just starting the journey dealing with cancer and haven't received my treatment plan as yet, waiting the PET CT to be done. I've suffered with generalized anxiety disorder my whole life (was a 'shy' kid, but actually have avoidant personality disorder). I really can sympathize with your anxiety over the unknown. Not having control of things really exacerbates the anxiety greatly (except the all important diet, exercise and 'trying' to remain positive which can be controlled to a large degree!). What has worked for me more recently since the shock kicked in is a new (old) very helpful medication - valium. One low-dose in the morning which is when my anxiety is at its worst has really helped me creep out of dark places and stay positive. I'd previously tried a few anti-depressants but side-effects really halted that treatment. Besides the med, I find exercise and eating really well keeps me feeling good about the body side of things and decreases anxiety. I hope your family are positive and supporting too as that is really beneficial. Don't discount the very real impact of the love for a pet can have as a calming influence. They love unconditionally which is priceless. I hope you find some peace with your anxiety very soon. Having GAD really worries me as a stressed body is one which will be a bit distracted when it needs to fight foreign cell invaders! But I think (trust) my newly found med helps me keep as calm as I'll need to be. I hope you find your tonic really soon too. Best wishes, Timo
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October 2020
Apologies to anyone that was looking for this in yesterday's email that I sent out, please see the sign-up link above.
Cancer Council Online Community Manager
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