February 2023
I have found that it's so important to be very proactive with your care. I too have lung cancer and was stage 4 when diagnosed and told that I had only 6 months to live if we did nothing. I was not really given any other options other than Chemo. But I had a very bad reaction (allergic) to the chemo they gave me. I decided not to continue with that treatment and if there was no other option I would start palliative care. But then the oncologist suggested Immunotherapy and that has been working so well for me. We are now 14 months down the road and tumors have shrunk, cancer has not spread and I feel well. I have had little to no side effects with the immunotherapy. I was not ill when I found out I had cancer and I refused to be sick or live a life with no quality. Of course this is different for everyone but I wanted to have a happy fulfilling remainder of my life not be bed ridden 2 weeks out of every 3. I did change oncologists just due to travel - I wanted to be closer to home. That was a seamless transition. But I also have an amazing GP. I pretty much talk to her about anything that is not directly related to the lung cancer, but she is interested in that and is taking a proactive approach too. Good luck with everything.
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December 2022
Hello, I hope you're doing well now , I fit all the criteria you've mentioned, African origins, obese and 30 years old and I have the same exact bugbite (I hope ) on my breast , I was just wondering, have you checked with a doctor and what was the diagnosis?? Please help.
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September 2022
Hi Traci-Rene'e, I know exactly what you are going through. Cancer destroys everything in its path. Like you and your husband we had so many plans. I feel helpless. I am very happy that your husband realizes how lucky he is to have a wife who loves and supports him like you. I am very sad to hear about your Mom. She is your angel and she will guide and protect you. As of now, nothing has changed and it is unbearable. I just want to love and support my wife through this horrible illness. She is very angry at me. 99% of the time I am very patient but sometimes I ask her if she will ever stop being angry at me. I've apologized for things that I don't even know that I have done. It just seems that there is nothing that I can say to make things better. Prior to her diagnosis like any other married couple we would have a disagreement and in a day or so it would be okay. Once this happened, I am public enemy number 1. It really hurts. I just want my wife to stop ignoring and rejecting me. I am not looking for anything in return...just kindness. You and your family are in my prayers. Your Friend, Ralph
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October 2021
1 Kudo
Hi Be strong and pray to Jesus and believe me trust him. Jesus will cure you.
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October 2020
Hi Angie Sorry its taken a while to reply, I've been a bit busy living and haven't visited the page for a while. Really glad you are back on your feet - literally by the sounds of it if you are running!! Yes the dry mouth makes it hard to push your limits, though mine got a little better over time. My cancer is still active but the palliative immunotherapy treatment seems to have kept it stable for the past few months - I hope it keeps working for a very long time 🙂 Shane
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October 2020
Hi It's not at all surprising to me that someone with an autoimmune disorder would have enlarged lymph nodes. They're our body's first line of defence against things our immune system perceives as foreign. In the unlikely event that you actually did have lymphoma, it would have to be an indolent type. Aggressive lymphoma doesn't go this long without getting dramatically worse. Indolent lymphomas are simply watched and treatment is only given if there are signs of transformation into a more aggressive form, so not only is it very unlikely that you have lymphoma, even if you did treatment wouldn't be warranted at this stage.
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October 2020
I'm on a number of cancer forums and from what I've seen on other forums, oesophogeal cancer isn't particularly rare. There could be something about your husband's particular presentation which makes it rare, though. Did your husband have chemotherapy before and after surgery, and if so what kind? As you appear to be in the US, it may be difficult for us to give you much useful information as our healthcare system is very different to yours.
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October 2020
2 Kudos
I also have lung cancer in my lower left lobe which was discovered incidentally during scans for another primary cancer. I'm still immunocompromised from chemotherapy for the other cancer so I'm having SBRT for the lung cancer. I can understand your apprehension about what lies ahead. I had a positive result on the home bowel screen test a few years ago and a colonoscopy revealed three pre-cancerous polyps. I'm due for another colonoscopy, as well as a mammogram, next year and after having two separate cancers diagnosed this year it all seems a bit much. Good luck with your continuing recovery from the lung surgery. Make sure they refer you for pulmonary rehabillitation.
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September 2020
Everyone I meet has a cure. They mean well and want to help. My advice stick to one professional first and politely thank everyone else. When and if your chosen Dr’s method ceases to work then look elsewhere. I was given six months to live in 2017. The eagle feather with the crystal bound to it with leather thong is very nice but used more as a decoration than a cure.😂
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September 2020
1 Kudo
I have a lung function test booked for mid-January. I assume that once the radiotherapy team s finished with me, they will refer me back to the lung clinic for follow up. As I will require regular CT scans for both the lymphoma and the lung cancer, someone will need to co-ordinate a single scan being used to evaluate both to reduce my radiation exposure.
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