Blogs - Page 24

A blog is a shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences. You can post a new blog entry using the buttons on the right side of this page or view the list of latest blog entries below. You can also filter these using the blog labels to find those in similar situations to you.
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Today is World Mental Health Day. For people affected by cancer, mental health and stress can also be a reality. 


Work is an important part of many people’s lives, and most employed people who are diagnosed with cancer wonder how it will affect their ability to work. Some people manage by adjusting their work hours for a while – they may miss a couple of days here and there or work part-time. Others choose to take a longer break or retire.


Everyone’s situation is different. You may work on a casual, part-time or full-time basis, be self-employed, or work from home. Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or are


This is a document I have put together to help anyone newly diagnosed with cancer. Any feedback is welcome. Unfortunately none of the links work due to an error on this site not allowing them. 😢


The month of September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month across Australia!


We’re asking Australians to get involved and raise awareness of prostate cancer in their own lives and communities, as well as highlighting the many support services available to men with prostate cancer and also to their families, friends and carers.


I found this site and decided to blog because I have had so little information on people’s experience in similar circumstances in the grand scheme of things.


Yesterday was R U OK Day in Australia, a day that focuses on checking in with your friends and loved ones, because sometimes a simple conversation is all that it can take to let someone know you care and maybe even potentially save a life.

Talk to a health professional
Cancer Council support and information 13 11 20Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Cancer Information and Support

Online resources and support

Access information about support services, online resources and a range of other materials.

Caring for someone with cancer?

Find out what resources and support services are available to assist you.