Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Occasional Contributor

Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Hi all

My amazing mum had breast cancer 2004, went into remission until 2016. She has been living with and being treated for stage 4 metastatic breast cancer... But now she has cancer of the gallbladder and it has spread to the peretoneum which I understand is aggressive and doesn't have a good prognosis. 

I'm devastated, she is having a port put in to start intravenous chemo asap.

Has anyone else gone through something similar?


Just wanting to chat with anyone. 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Wishing you and your mum all the best. It's hard. 


No direct experience. But my husband was recently diagnosed with bowel cancer which as spread to his peretoneum, liver, and lungs. The peretoneum tumours caused really uncomfortable ascites, but they were able to manage these with regular taps (drains). So if her belly swells up and is uncomfortable, don't wait around like we did - there is treatment available, ask them about it. My husband also had a port inserted and is getting his chemo through there. The port has been fantastic. A small blessing to not need to be stabbed with needles all the time to put in and change canulas. And he loves the idea that he has a titanium insert :).
Good luck! Take care

Occasional Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Thank you for the tip on the drains. Her port is going in Tuesday next week.

Wishing you and your hubby all the best too. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Dear soul, 


my mother had breast cancer in her 50's then reconstruction. She was very lucky  and lived to the age of 93 but my father died of non-small cell cancer in a time when they were just starting to look at new avenues of hope. I am not an oncology RN but had had remembered at one time when chemo to the peritoneum was done not through the port near the heart but via a portal access through the abdomen and this was more successful  as more direct. Also, as gallbladder affected the surgeon can put in a drain to make her less affected by built up secretion. Not sure they do this direct treatment into the abdomen anymore. I was told when my dad had lung cancer they could administer chemo beads via bronchoscopy but he chose radiation instead but this did not work and we had to accept it. He also smoked but had a non-smokers lung cancer which was really weird to me  at the  time. I will lift up prayers for you both . As you know in this stage treatment  is very aggressive so the treatment can sometimes do more harm than good. Your mom sounds very resilient though yet time will tell. Either way I know you will find ways to love and care for her the best way possible. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Thank you for sharing with me.

I'm sorry you had to go through that with both parents.

I will definitely remember to ask the oncologist about the drain etc.

Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you in this crazy world x


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Frequent Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

I have no experience of the matter but, my prayers are with you. Just be positive and always take precautionary measures. If something is not right, consult the doctor right away.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

Thank you for your kind words.

Given what's happening with the Delta outbreak my husband and I are getting tested every week to make sure we're being as safe as we can for her.


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Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer

May I ask if you are vaccinated? Though, even your are vaccinated you can still be a carrier. Please take good care of yourselves too and try to be in a positive aura always.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Peritoneum Cancer /Stage 4 Breast cancer


Yes my husband and I are both vaccinated and not in a place with any covid cases atm. We wear a mask if near mum and are being as careful as we can be.

Stay safe out there! 

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