Head and neck cancer

Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

Hi Jenny,Apologies for the last post - pressed the wrong button!Watch that dry mouth (xerostomia) as the lack of saliva encourages caries and other things. What type of treatment did you have? I had radiation to 3 areas in the oral cavity.Biotene make wonderful products for dry mouth, available at most chemists. There is mouthwash, toothpaste, "Oral Balance" gel to put in your mouth whenever you need lubrication, and I always sipped water with every bite of food. And watch out for oral thrush
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

Hi Mikey,It came from what to do with spare time, a cat and knife and a grapefruit!Cheers!Tizz
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

Hi Rarbie, Hope you got to relax at the retreat and that your coping ok with the radiation therapy. Regards Gaffo
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

Hi Raven,I also belong to the US site, it's very informative, and is often in the news up there. Blythe Danner, Jack Klugman and many other people support the site. The person who created it is Brian Hill, well respected in the media and by your Congress. Have a good look around:http://www.oralcancerfoundation.orgCheers!Tizz from OZ (aka Meredith, in the patient stories)
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

Hi Tizz (aka Meredith) Caught up with Helen last Friday at Westmead for her 5 year check up and all is ok. Yeah Cheers Gabriele
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

I am a 56 year old female living in Sydney who has had surgery for Oral Cancer in September 2006. I saw and add in a local paper for this site a few weeks ago, registered but noted there was not much here regarding Head & Neck Cancer.  There are 5 of us Australians on a site in the US(with people all over the world participating) which is fantastic and where we made contact via registering and posting to the forums there (all dedicated to Oral Cancer). It is going to be great to have one for Australians if it is patronised. Attached is my profile on the OCF site 
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

i have just discovered this site and having been reading through I come under the Head & Neck section byt I am unsure what to do to suscribe  I am still feeling my way around the computer and would be greatful for any tips to use this site properly. Jenny
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Head and neck cancer

I'm glad the avatar is back tizz. It is a very noble fruit helmet.
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

My avatar disappeared.....Tizz
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Occasional Contributor

Head and neck cancer

Nope Cheers!Tizz
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