If this is a bad suggestion, I apologise in advance - but even with a terminal prognosis, like the kidney cancer, I'd still wave my hand around at the hospital, deliberately and explicitly asking to be included in any clinical trial for which I was a viable candidate. The science has been making very meaningful strides in that direction just in this past decade (and few years), and if nothing else, it may add years to your lifespan, and improve the quality of life as the end approaches. I know a guy in his 60s with stage 4 disease throughout his body, a real shit scenario, pancreatic, lungs, liver, he was weeks/months from death, and he got on an immunology clinical trial (back when I was first diagnosed with my own cancer, 2 years ago), and he's still alive. Still expected to shuffle off and meet the maker any old time, but the immunotherapy treatments he received apparently shrunk the major tumours by as much as 80% Just offering it in case it's helpful to anybody, and with apologies in case it is not.
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