Hi Caro ... Thanks re it not being a nice cancer and yet i view it differently. It is treatable and for that i am very thankful. The first time i was diagnosed with cancer was 21 years ago and that cancer (amelanotic melanoma) had no treatment available except for surgery and thankfully and obviously? it worked. I think i must be the eternal optimist for when i got the phone call after surgery for my first cancer and they said 3 out of the 16 (i think) lymph nodes were infected and that wasnt good news, i was like thanks i will take those odds and i reckon thats pretty good! They could have said all 16 were infected!
I think our journey comes down to how we view things and if that doesnt make us happy then we have to change that view and we have the power to do so! It is like i ran into a friend the other day and he is a quadraplegic and was moaning about his electric chair that he rides around in. I referred to it as his "new best friend". he looked at me and i explained that i know what it is like to have choices that i dont want but we have to make the best of those choices regardless. I asked him if he didnt have the chair what would he be doing right now? and his reply was "lying in bed". I know what its like to have limited choices and to not have the choices that i want, however, we have to make the best of what we have. Least that is how i look at it and yes sometimes i resent i cant have the choices i want or used to have. :)
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