Today is World Mental Health Day.
1-in-5 Australians are affected by mental illness, yet many do not seek help or talk about it because of the stigma surrounding mental health.
For people affected by cancer, mental health and stress can also be a reality. It is important to seek help, to talk things out and to share your stories and experience, in doing so you both gain support and can support others.
The Cancer Council Online Community was created specifically to provide a safe space for anyone affected by cancer to share and discuss what is going on with you and your experiences. We want people to feel secure and supported, you can even rant if the occasion warrants such. Think of the Online Community as your support network, your sounding board, your spot in the universe to unload and nut out anything and everything to do with cancer.
The Online Community also has the benefit of being managed and moderated by myself and other trained health professionals, whom are able to offer assistance or provide suggestions when needed, further strengthening the level of support available to you.
Below are a number of different Cancer Council services and resources that will also assist with mental health and wellbeing...
Telephone Support Groups
Our Telephone-based Support Groups or TSG's are kind of like your traditional face-to-face support groups, but run over the phone, which is great if you live away from a main centre or in a rural area. The TSG's are a space to openly and regularly talk with others in your situation so that experiences, information and coping strategies are shared. We currently run TSG's for people with:
advanced cancers
brain tumours
with pancreatic cancer
multiple myeloma
metastatic breast cancer
people who are caring for someone with cancer
and people who have experienced a loss due to cancer
You can find out more by calling 1300 755 632.
Cancer Connect
Cancer Connect is a free and confidential telephone-based service that connects someone who has cancer with a specially trained volunteer who has had a similar cancer experience. A Connect volunteer can listen with understanding and share their experiences and ways of coping. You can find out more by calling 13 11 20.
A webinar is an online seminar you can watch on your computer or mobile device. We run regular webinars, covering a wide range of topics, including:
Anxiety and Depression after cancer treatment
Cancer and Men's Issues
Anger after cancer
Our next webinar is on the 18th of October, covering the topic of Body Image and how you can reclaim your confidence: Register now.
Our podcasts, hosted by the amazing Julie McCrossin, are fantastic to listen to in the car, whilst having your treatment, or even whilst commuting. They cover a wide range of topics, including the following:
Managing Fear
Family Dynamic and Cancer
Cancer affects the carer too
Coping with a cancer diagnosis
Understanding Cancer books
The Understanding Cancer information booklets are a series of more than 50 resources for people with cancer, their families and friends. Some of these, include:
Changes in thinking and memory
Caring for someone with cancer
Emotions and cancer
Understanding grief
Mental health and wellbeing organisations
The following are links to some amazing organisations who provide counselling and other services for anyone affected by mental health:
Lifeline Australia
SANE Australia
ReachOut Australia - for young people and parents.
Qlife - for anyone who identifies as LGBTQI.
Kids Helpline - for young Australians aged from 5-25, as well as parents and carers.
MensLine Australia - for Australian men.
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