Dear Mary, I can so relate to exactly what you are about to go through and what you are feeling. I was in the exact same position that you are now, 12 months ago. You ask how to relate to all of this and the journey you are about to embark upon. There is no easy answer, each journey is unique. Take it one step at a time. That is all you can do. More than likely your husband will not talk about how things are for him, please try not to take this personally. I did for a very long time, and it almost destroyed me. Men will not talk about their illness with those closest to them, I think they feel as though they are protecting us. I did get to a point where I asked for permission to express my feelings in front of him as I could not hold it in any longer. He was fine with this in the latter stages. In the beginning, the shower became my friend as did driving in the car alone. This is where I could cry, scream, shout, or just be sad. Once those emotions were expressed I could then deal with things easier. If he is going to need a porta-cath for chemo make sure that they put it in the opposite side to where you sleep. This is something we did not even think about until after it was done and I could no longer rest my head on his shoulder. You may find that he will not want you to touch him or hug him, once again it was only in the latter stages he told me and I realised how sore and sensitive he was. The chemo will do that. You may find personality changes, it is the chemo, they will tell you that it does not effect the personality, it does. Once we realised and had it confirmed we were then able to treat this with humour. Humour became our friend. Your husband will more than likely want things to continue as normal and this will be hard at times for you. Try to be patient, and believe me at times it is hard. Find an outlet for your anger and frustration. Writing was great for me. You ask about staying positive. Well while it is important and everyone will tell you, you have to be this way. Sometimes you just don't feel that way and things will not be positive. Believe me there are days when you will feel negative and down, this is OK. Remember life before Cancer, there were days when you felt not so good or positive and it was OK. For some reason "they" will tell you it is not OK with Cancer. The bottom line is that this situation sucks, and it is a long and bumpy road. These are my experiences, yours will be your own and while similar will be different. I would be more than willing to help you further via email if you wish. Good luck and my thoughts are with you both. Sharon.