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Hi, I'm 54 and had a colonoscopy 11 days ago, and they found a 30mm malignant tumour, and some other suspicious lesions. I have 2 scans coming up, within the next week,yet I haven't heard about all the biopsy results. I'm confused the nurse said that they may nit b...Read More
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hi. i don't think anyone is going to read, i've been worried for a while but honestly i was so depressed i couldn't seek medical help. i've been having a weird discharge for at least a year now and it has worsened. at first, it was just some clear discharge...Read More
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I had a hsyterscopy and d&c yesterday with possible polypectomy which was seen on ultrasound 3 weeks ago but when i came to the dr didn't see me and the nurses just said a polypectomy was not performed. Could anyone give me some insight into this? Im so confused. Read More
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Hi. I’m new here. Still learning. The last 10 months has been the biggest learning experience of my life. Diagnosed last May with pancreatic cancer. Had chemo and major surgery (Whipple procedure). When I was diagnosed I wanted to live. When I was going through tre...Read More
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Hi I'm new to this forum. Is there anyone out there living after whipple procedure which was done for pancreatic cancer. I'm 3 months since surgery and have still got extreme nausea. My doctor has put me back on metaclopramide ( maxaloN) but I've been on it for ...Read More
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Hi everyone How do you deal with people who don’t agree with cancer therapies such as radiotherapy and really try to push their opinions/beliefs on to you/your loved one with cancer? I have a family member who believes that my family member with cancer is radioact...Read More
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Hi! I was recently diagnosed with bile duct cancer, caught early. I had a Whipple surgery in April of 2022. I will be starting Chemo in a couple of weeks. Interested in connecting with others. I am trying to be positive about chemo...I am concerned about side ef...Read More
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Hi, I'm 40 years old and was diagnosed with stomach cancer in August. I don't have any risk factors, just unlucky I guess. I am due to have my 4th round of chemotherapy, and surgery is planned for November. I'm also a mother of two young kids. I'm terrified about ...Read More
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I lost my godfather to cancer a lil over 3 and a half years ago. Lately whenever i hear the word cancer it seems to be a trigger for grief and depression ...He had lung and throatcancer at the same time and back then i did not know how to cope with it. He meant the...Read More
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I had a brother he has 13years old when he first had bone cancer osteosarcoma and then he began a very painful fight with cancer chemo . Stomachache pain and a lot of tears i cried every day . I couldn't see him suffering then they did amputate his leg and it was ...Read More