In April 2012 I had a lump just at the edge of my left jaw. I thought it was to do with my teeth as I had a broken tooth near the lump. I went to the dentist, had the tooth fixed, but the lump, I was told, had nothing to do with my teeth & the dentist rang a maxillofacial surgeon & got me an appt with him that afternoon. Immediate alarm bells going off in my mind, but, I went to the appt & was told he had no idea what it was as it had a pulse to it. I was to go in for an angiogram to see exactly what was there & to clamp any blood vessels etc. Well I had the angio & nothing was done because it was a large mass of tangled veins they could do nothing with. It was decided I'd have an op to remove it. After the surgery to remove a lump 9cmx7cmx2cm from my neck, Hubby & I had a holiday. The day after we returned I had the follow up appt & I was told then that I had metastatic renal cell carcinoma. The doc was all gloom & doom & very apologetic. My husband wasn't with me at that appt because we'd previously been told the lump wasn't cancer, so thought we had nothing to worry about. Anyway, I went & sat in the car, wondering if I should call hubby then & tell him, or wait till I got home to tell him in person. I decided to wait, so I went back to work. He happened to call me to see how it all went. I ended up telling him then because I'm hopeless at keeping things from him. He was quite harsh on himself for not being there. I also told my boss then, which was hard because we'd just had a co-worker have surgery for colon cancer. My husband & I are quite realistic & try to make the best of all situations. We talked about everything at each step along the way & have fully prepared my funeral & coffin (which is stationed in our lounge room ready & waiting). I fully expected to die long before this, but my body keeps surprising me. As our 4 kids are all grown & flown the coop, I didn't have to tell them straight away & I wanted more info on everything before I did. I went in for a CT & found the cancer had taken my right kidney, deposited itself right up against my spine at the L5 vertebrae & at the top of my left butt cheek, as well as the lump in my neck. I was 48 at the time of diagnosis- young for kidney cancer apparently, & it very rarely presents itself in the neck. Usually MRCC starts in the kidney & works it's way up in the major organs. So far, I've gone against all the rules for it, but rules are made to be broken. The 5 year survival rate for MRCC is only 8%, so I've done really well so far. I think I have my body's ability of going against the rules to thank for that, as at one time during my treatment, I had over 30 tumours in my body, but none in any other major organ except my left kidney. Our children were told over the phone as hubby & I were living in Darwin at the time, & it was hubby who had to tell them, else I would have just burst into tears & not been of much use. My siblings, I emailed as I have quite a few of them. They were all very upset as we'd lost our mother only 3 yrs previous to cancer. As well as loosing our eldest sister, grandmother & aunt to cancer, one of my other sisters & a brother also have cancer. So it's quite prevalent in the family. I used to email my siblings fairly regularly with updates, but I like to talk about it, & I think I'm too 'happy' to discuss things for their sensibilities, as I quite quickly stopped getting responses from some of them. So now I wait till they ask how things are going. It's not that they don't care - they just can't handle talking about the reality of my death. I also don't keep many friends as we move around the country alot, but I have one very dear friend who I've known since we were in our late teens/early twenties. I emailed her as well, & she came up to Darwin to spend some time with me, even though she had her own serious health problems at the time. As for the rest of the world - they don't need to know, unless they can learn something from my journey, then, I'm glad to talk.
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