My darling Greg passed away in our home that he loved at 2.40am today, Sunday 30th May 2010.
Occasional Contributor
Mrs Elton I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I will be thinking of you and your family at this sad time. take care Linda. xxx
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Dear Jill May you find comfort in the memories that are yours to cherish always and strength in the companionship of those who share your loss. With deepest sympathy Sangeeta
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Regular Contributor
Oh Jill, You have shared so much of your esperiences with us here. I feel so much for you and your boys. You have always displayed so much strength, so even though this sounds so trute and cliched, I know that you will be there for your boys. I just hope that there is someone for you. A huge, gentle cyber hug. S
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Jill, I raised about $500 yesterday and did it with you and your family in my heart. Sending love, strength, compassion, and anything else you might need your way. Always here for you. Alana xxxx
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Dear Mrs Elton Your loss is our loss, your grief is our grief, as you have shared your journey with us. You have all our deepest sympathies for you and your boys. We are all diminished by Greg's passing. Do take care of yourself and those boys. Sailor No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Manor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. MEDITATION XVII Devotions upon Emergent Occasions John Donne
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Jill, No words, just the usual cyber hug today. So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your boys today, Nicole xoxox
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New Contributor
Dear Mrs Elton, I am new here on this journey that began in March with my partner's diagnosis of rectal cancer, however today I have read your blogs and have been helped by your courage, your honesty, and your strength. I have read the comments to your posts by people here and noted the compassion and empathy that I hope continues through the difficult days, months and years ahead. I have immense admiration for you in sharing what is very hard in the 'real' world--to communicate to nurses, doctors, family, and friends. More than words can express--my thoughts are with you and your sons. Thank you for being the person you are. Take care, Valenre
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New Contributor
Dear Mrs Elton, I am new here on this journey that began in March with my partner's diagnosis of rectal cancer, however today I have read your blogs and have been helped by your courage, your honesty, and your strength. I have read the comments to your posts by people here and noted the compassion and empathy that I hope continues through the difficult days, months and years ahead. I have immense admiration for you in sharing what is very hard in the 'real' world--to communicate to nurses, doctors, family, and friends. More than words can express--my thoughts are with you and your sons. Thank you for being the person you are. Take care, Valenre
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Jill We are so sorry for your loss and I feel so saddened as you have shared your journey with us. You have people here who care and although we cannot even begin to imagine the grief that you and your beautiful boys must be feeling, know that we are thinking of you and your family. I'm sending as much comfort your way as possible. Take care of you and your boys. Jo and Rob xxx
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Mrs Elton and your sons Please accept my sincere sympathy. You have been so strong throughout your husband's illness and have still had the time to help us through our difficult moments - I commend you for that. Please know that you are thought of very fondly here and I wish you strength for whatever lies ahead. Please keep in touch via this site as we would like to know how you are and to let you know you are with friends who care.
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Hi Mrs Elton. I am so so sorry for your loss today and just looking at comments you must know you are truely loved and admired on this site. You were the first to welcome me and I have followed your journey. You are a real inspiration. My thoughts go out to you and your beautiful boys please take care xo Chris
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Super Contributor
Jill I am (as others are) very sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure Greg was appreciative of the way in which you have supported and cared for him during his illness. You have been amazing. Being a partner to your husband and a mother to your children and then trying to deal with your own things. My thoughts are with you and the boys. Sending you strength, compassion and any other trait that you may need that i have to share. Cyber hugsss Julie xoxoxoxo
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Dear Mrs Elton, I know words cannot take away the immense pain that must be in your heart right now but that is all i have to give. Like everyone else my heart is with you & your boys & all my sympathy goes out to all of you. Cherish your beautiful loving memories Jill & never forget & be proud of how loving, caring & strong you have been for Greg throughout his entire illness. You have been so selfless & have somehow found the strength to cope with constantly looking after Greg & still be a beautiful devoted mother to your boys. He is out of his pain now Jill & i know you will carry on & find inner strength for the sake of your children. Big cyber hugsss to you & your precious boys, Mez xoxoxo
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Dear Jill please know that i am thinking of you and your family and that you are in my thoughts and prayers. 'Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear'. huge hugs Linda xx
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Mrs Elton Iam new have only been on site for 3weeks but have been following yor story closely .I am so very sorry to hear the news condolences to you and your boys. Cyber Hugs Mazza
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New Contributor
Mrs Elton, I have read your words over the last few months of my own battle with cancer and been amazed and strengthened by your strength, resilience, your love for your family. I jumped on today to see how you were and words cannot express my sadness and sympathy for you. So I will just say, I admire you. My energy and love comes across to cyber pages to try and buoy you in this extremely difficult time as you have done for many of us over the months. Journey
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Jill. These are but words typed on a computer but please accept my sincere condolences to you and all your family at this sad time.You have shared your journey with us and helped a lot of people on the way. Take care and keep in touch. Sending love your way Gail.xx
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Dear Jill, Words just seem so inadequate. Deepest sympathies to you and your sons. Sending you love, keeping you in my heart, Sharon xxxxx
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Dear Jill, I feel a deep sadness for you and your family. Over the months you have written words of compassion to so many. Your words have shown you to be a lady possessing grace, dignity, courage and great love for her family. I deeply respect you. Words can’t take away the pain for you but I hope that you can take some comfort from the many heartfelt messages written here for you. You have touched the lives of so many. You are in my thoughts. Take care. Reindeer xxxx
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New Contributor
Hi Jill I was so sorry to hear about Greg's passing. I felt a deep sadness for you and your boys. You have given me and so many others such good advice for such a long time now and shared your feelings and your life with us while you have also been struggling. I hope we can be here for you and help you in the months ahead as you go through the difficult times. You are an amazing woman - I hope as others have said that there are people in your life who can support you and give you the hugs you need right now. Take care Jill. My sympathy and love to you and your boys, Willow xo
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Frequent Contributor
Heartfelt sympathy Jill to you and your sons. Thinking of you.
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Angelic Jill, Beautiful heart and kindred spirit. No more suffering on his part. He is dancing free on the clouds with the angels, filled with health and spiritual life. Just remember that the love never dies. The body may, but never the love. Sending you love and light xoxox Teach
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only signed in today. i have read the heart felt messages sent to Mrs Elton. im very sorry for her loss
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Hi Everybody, Thank you, each of you, for your kind words. Time is tight for me right now, but I have managed to keep up with the messages as they arrived via Greg's blackberry, so even though I haven't been able to log on to the site, I have seen and read them as they've arrived. I just wanted to let you know we are all doing really well, I will write more detail later once the memorial service has been and gone and I have some time on my hands. Things are all quite crazy just at the moment, and I know that once all the 'necessary stuff' has been done, I will probably fall in a hole and I'll be coming here to share my thoughts with you all. In the meantime, know that I appreciate your messages, and to those who have sent private messages, just don't have the time to respond individually. I know you all understand. Greg is not sufferring anymore and that is the best thing for us all. We know that he is at peace. Talk again soon, Jill
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Jill, Words feel so inadequate at times like these ... my deepest condolences to your, your sons, and the rest of your family on the passing of the love of your life. ... the heartaches will last for a while, but as you note - he is not hurting anymore and there is some deep comfort in that. Thank you so much for your posts - it helps you but you also help others tremendously by sharing yourself so freely with seeming "strangers", probably some of whom are dealing with crises based on something other than cancer. Thank you and bless you.
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New Contributor
Dear Jill, My deepest condolences for the loss of Greg.... I know too well the pain now, my Mark passed just this Monday gone 7th June 4.45 am. Marks funeral is tomorrow 11th June. While I am grateful that Mark is now no longer in pain, I am devastated at how fast the cancer took over his life. My Mark never had a chance, I cry for the vain hope I'd had to have him with us for just a little longer..... I am angry that in this day and time we "still" do not have more definitive markers to alert us that our bodies are failing us. Anyhow my bleating is moot now, my love is gone and life will never be the same for my children nor me. Bless you for sharing so much of your life here, may you find peace is no longer a distant possibility. with warmth and kindness, Jewel
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Occasional Contributor
Dear Jewel. My heart goes out to you in this very sad time. Unfortunately this is something a lot of us are going to face with this dreaded disease. I along with others with loved ones with cancer hope it will be a long time before I have to face this but the reality is this is probably not the case. Please take care of yourself and I hope people like you and Jill can give us some insight into what you go through in the days to come so that maybe we can be a bit more prepared when it happens to us. Sending love and best wishes your way. Gail
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Regular Contributor
As a survivor, it wrenches me to hear of what Jill and Jewel are experiencing. It particularly pains me that they have young children to try to explain this hideous situation to. For those of us who have been granted the gift of survival, we must make every minut count. My heart goes out to you both. I desperately hope that there is some peace for you both and your families. Hugs, S
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Dear Jewel I have been tied up most of today with various medical procedures and feel as if I am out on probation just at the moment. That didn't stop me thinking about you and your family today. I don't know what time Mark's funeral was, but I hope and pray that it was a time of good grief, good mourning and that you and your children were able to say farewell appropriately. Yes this awful disease can claim its victims very quickly when the cancer is so advanced and we watch helplessly wishing in vain it would stop. The next few weeks and months are going to be so difficult for you and the children as you adjust. Remember there is a lot of support available on this site and lots of helpful suggestions have been made to others. Have a hunt round for some of them. Take care and take good care of Mark's memory for your childrens sake. Regards Sailor For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. Kahlil Gibran
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Dear Jewel, I am so sorry for your loss of your precious husband and father, Mark. This disease is so cruel and as my 8 yr old son said the night before Greg passed "why do the good people have to get cancer? why can't the criminals be the ones who get it?" response.....'that would seem fairer, wouldn't it mate'. I hope that the funeral on Friday was a time where you could feel the love and support of family and friends who care about you and your treasured children. How are they coping? Our boys are doing OK, some tears but also some laughs, they have been back at school full-time this last week which seems to be working well for them. My love and heartfelt wishes to you all, Jill
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