Blogs - Page 19

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I went to see the GP 5th April and he had my results from SKG Imaging, they were not good.


He tells me I need a biopsy on both breasts.

He tells me that I should have it done at SKG St John of God, where I had the ultra sound and the mamogram.  Great, I wont be an inpatient, so my HBF wont cover the cost.  I will need to claim of Medicare and pay the difference.


Do I get my breasts sorted first or do I get my lung sorted?  If i go for the breast biopsy and it is mallignant and I need an operation


The chain of events that led to me finding out I had Lung Cancer are remarkable.

There were no symptons, I wasnt short of breath, I didnt have a cough, and I had not coughed up any blood.


My life was turned upside down, but the events that happened have probably saved my life.




Diagnosed 2006 with two malignant brain tumors. Radiation, Chemotherapy 4.5 years, Meditation, Chinese herbs, acupuncture, Ruta 6, thalidomide, Apricot kernels, etc........  Amazing oncologist. 

Now having annual MRI scans to keep an eye on them but no change in 13 years. 

Happy to talk to newly diagnosed people on their treatment journey. 


Hi Everyone, Its almost two years ago I was diagnosed with lower Gastro Intestinal Cancer stage 4 metastisised, I have now had 28 chemos and am up to my third PIPAC treatment which is chemo via laproscope directly to the area.


Hi there, I had a smart port put in about 4 weeks ago, and I am having immunotherapy every 3 weeks, and I have had no problems at all, however the port in the last week seems to protrude more in my chest. I just wonder if this is normal ? 

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