Blogs - Page 20

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Diagnosed with stage one melonoma margins removed and clear, Defenitley not the worse diagnosis completely aware of that , but i think to some degree we do go through the same thoughts and emotions no matter the diagnosis...talking to someone you dont neccesarily know takes out the stress of having to stay strong , worrying about not overreacting , and askng questions maybe you might feel are not valid or a "silly to ask "  but understands what your going through i believe is a massive support so im here to help !


I just had an ultrasound today on my neck under jawline, due to a sore lump there. My gp thought it might be a stone through a saliva gland.


I am new here, and thank goodness this popped into my browser before I chewed my fingers all the way to the bone.



So as an update of what's been happening for the past two weeks, my boyfriend was scheduled to have his tumor removed on the 20th. I was supposed to stay with him until the 15th (this was before we knew then the surgery was going to take place) but stayed with him until the 19th because I had to come back to take my exams.


Hello all,

I completed my 18th cycle of Chemotherapy and looks like it will be the last one for a little while. During the chemo week and the one after I experienced a lot of nausea and tiredness, I also had really bad headaches but I put this down to my teeth being more sensitive than normal.


land lord Owen's Church fig tree                      the devils children 

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