Welcome to the October edition of our Cancer Council Online Community News!
It's been quite a bigger month for the Community than usual, we're seeing lots of engagement between all of you, which is fantastic to see.
We've welcomed some more staff into the Online Community recently to provide regular ongoing content that is relevant for you. So if you see a post by cisspublication, be sure to say hi - this is the team that creates and updates the cancer information booklets, as well as produces our podcast, "The Thing About Cancer", hosted by the amazing Julie McCrossin, amongst other things.
We also kicked off a research study with Macquarie University, which will inform a lot of the work we do, going forward. If you're interested in participating, keep reading below.
A reminder that if you signed up when the site was known as Cancer Connections and have not logged in recently, you simply need to request a password reset and you should be able to access your account. We transitioned the site to the Cancer Council Online Community in late 2016. If you need any assistance such as figuring out what your username is or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: onlinecommunity@nswcc.org.au.
Exercising during treatment
Did you know that exercise has been shown to help both during and after cancer treatment?
Exercise can help you manage some of the common side effects of treatment and more.
Managing work
Work is an important part of many people’s lives, and most employed people who are diagnosed with cancer wonder how it will affect their ability to work.
Find out how you can manage.
Research Study Interview Invitation
Thank you to everyone who has expressed their interest in response to our recent email, outlining a new research study that we're conducting in partnership with Macquarie University, for the Cancer Council Online Community.
This study is a follow-up to the online survey we sent out earlier this year. If you have any questions about the study, feel free to post them in the forums.
Participation is completely voluntary. For further information and details on how to participate, head here.
Webinar: Body image
Cancer can affect you in physical and emotional ways. Changes to your body can affect the way you feel about yourself (your self-esteem) and make you feel self-conscious. This webinar will discuss some practical strategies to help cancer survivors to reclaim their confidence after treatment.
Register now - this is free and is on this Thursday evening from 7-8pm. You can also watch it later at a time convenient to you.
Be proactive and talk about it
1-in-5 Australians are affected by mental illness, yet many do not seek help or talk about it because of the stigma surrounding mental health. For people affected by cancer, mental health and stress can also be a reality.
It is important to seek help, to talk things out and to share your stories and experience, in doing so you both gain support and can support others.
Saving Life 2019 campaign
Every day in NSW, more than 120 people still hear the words ‘you’ve got cancer’ and too many families lose someone they love. The next NSW Government has the power to reduce the number of people who get cancer and to ensure that those who do get the support they need. In the lead up to the March 2019 state election, Cancer Council is calling on the next NSW Government to reduce the impact of cancer by protecting the community from tobacco, tackling childhood obesity, and supporting people with lymphoedema.
To join thousands of people across NSW supporting the campaign, please head to www.canact.com.au/savinglife2019_takeaction to sign the petition!
Dates for the diary
17th Oct: Living with Cancer Education Program - Box Hill Hospital, VIC.
17th Oct: Cancer Council WA Roadshow - Kalgoorlie, WA
18th Oct: Body Image - "How do I reclaim my confidence after treatment?"
23rd Oct: Living with Cancer Education Program - Albury Wodonga.
24th Oct: Living with advanced breast cancer information session - Cancer Council QLD.
25th Oct: Living with Cancer Education Program - Cabrini Brighton, VIC.
8th Nov: Treatment's finished...What now? - Cancer Council QLD.
9th Nov: Understanding Melanoma - Cancer Council QLD.
9th Nov: Wellness and Life After Cancer Program - Warrnambool, VIC.
12th Nov: Living with Cancer Education Program - The Bays Hospital, VIC.
15th Nov: Living with Bowel Cancer Education Program - Traralgon, VIC.
20th Nov: Wellness and Life After Bowel Cancer Program - East Bentleigh, VIC.
22nd Nov: Wellness and Life After Cancer - Bendigo, VIC.
27th Nov: Cancer Council WA Roadshow - Bunbury, WA.
29th Nov: Living with Cancer Education Program - Ballarat, VIC.
For other events local to you, please visit the website for Cancer Council in your state or territory.
Kind Regards, Kate and the Online Community team.
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